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2016 WW160 CW RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op Assisted HP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: Single Op Assisted HP
QTH: nr Saint-Petersburg
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Location: Eastern Europe

Total: QSOs 1337 State/Prov 32 Countries 80 Total Score 790,048
2015 WW SSB RU1A M/S
Call: RU1A
Operator(s): R2RA RA1ANY RD1A RK1AD RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: M/S HP
QTH: nr Saint-petersburg
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Location: Eastern Europe

Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 54 9 53
80: 152 17 75
40: 1273 35 129
20: 3113 40 158
15: 2645 40 153
10: 631 34 148
Total: 7868 175 716 Total Score 15,506,964

It's fun! We waited coming aurora in middle contest, but closed 20 mtrs in ending contest.
20 and 15 trs were money bands for us for points and Qso's.
If I again operatesd on 20 mtrs SOSB, I think more 5000 Qso's were possible...

Last 3 hours on 40 mtrs on USA/JA were very existing.
Vlad RW1A
2015 WAE CW RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op LP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: NR Saint Petersburg
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Location: Eastern Europe

Band QSOs QTCs Mults
80: 57 18 144
40: 201 301 207
20: 329 1031 162
15: 178 270 144
10: 36 30 52
Total: 801 1650 709 Total Score 1,737,759

SO1R, before contest was broken SO2R
First time LP in WAE CW. I think, my mistake was too much S/P.
15 mtrs was vy bad condx, thanks to aurora. When all Europe was working NA, on my side lsn only few big guns, of course NO QTC, NO QSO in middle day. On 28 no lsn USA/VE, try many times check signals. Good condx 80 mtrs, ZM1A and ZL2IFB good ears, vy quicky qso's at first call. I try to call KH7XX at 16 z on 40 mtrs, was good signal but no lucky. It's good fun and experience, anyway.
See you WAEDC SSB , as HP :))
Vlad RW1A
2015 EUHF CW RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op Mixed HP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: Mixed HP
QTH: nr Saint-Petersbug
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Location: Eastern Europe

Band CW Qs Ph Qs Mults
160: 156 54 53
80: 190 92 57
40: 289 126 64
20: 295 335 67
15: 51 1 36
10: 50 0 32
Total: 1031 608 309 Total Score 506,142

It's fun. In 1400z lost internet and cluster till end contest from mobile 4G tower, after vy strong rain. I tryed to find mults on the bands, but it's too slow ...
CUAGN WAE DX CW RW1A LP. I will be LP category, becouse in during wekeend also will be EME 144 - RU1AA, for comfort operating from one station.

Vlad RW1A
2015 WPX CW RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op All Bands HP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: NR Saint-Petersburg
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Location: Eastern Europe
Radios: SO2R

Band QSOs
160: 30
80: 168
40: 640
20: 1475
15: 1465
10: 110
Total: 3888 Prefixes 1186 Total Score 10,871,000

Last 6 hours under aurora were very low rate qso ...
Vlad RW1A
2015 WPX SSB RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op All Bands HP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RW1A

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Location: Eastern Europe
Radios: SO2R

Band QSOs
160: 43
80: 282
40: 661
20: 1972
15: 1322
10: 181
Total: 4461 Prefixes 1293 Total Score 14,149,299
2015 RDXC RW1A(@RU1A) Single Op Mixed HP
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RW1A

Class: SO Mixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Location: Eastern Europe
Radios: SO2R

Band CW Qs Ph Qs Countries Oblasts
160: 201 53 47 57
80: 302 143 64 63
40: 322 207 80 72
20: 412 474 100 75
15: 414 202 96 70
10: 152 54 59 50
Total: 1805 1131 446 387 Total Score 8,402,471
2015 ARRL DX CW RU1A M/2
Call: RU1A
Station: RU1A

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: nr Saint-PeterSBURG
Operating Time (hrs): 44
Location: Eastern Europe

Band QSOs Mults
160: 19 16
80: 297 41
40: 577 55
20: 1422 60
15: 1076 60
10: 635 57
Total: 4022 289 Total Score 3,487,074
2014 WW CW RX1A(@RU1A) Single Op Single Band 40m
Call: RX1A
Operator(s): RX1A
Station: RU1A

Class: SOSB/40 HP
QTH: nr Saint-Petersbug
Operating Time (hrs): 38
Location: Eastern Europe

Band QSOs Zones Countries
40: 2536 37 124
Total: 2536 37 124 Total Score 819,007
CQ WW SSB RW1A (@RU1A) Single Op Single Band 20m
CQ WW SSB 2014
Call: RW1A
Operator(s): RW1A
Station: RU1A

Class: SOSB/20 HP
QTH: nr Saint-Petersburg
Operating Time (hrs): 41
Location: Eastern Europe
Summary: Compare Scores
Band QSOs Zones Countries
20: 4333 39 143
Total: 4333 39 143 Total Score 1,600,144

used antenn's
1. 12 el boom 45 mtrs up 60 mtrs FIX to USA W1-W4 300 deg
2. 4 by 5 el FIX to USA W0-W7 340 deg
3. 7 el rotory 27 mtrs boom up 42
4 5 el FIX 270 deg ( G/GM/GD/F/PA)
5. 4 el rotory 12 mtrs boom up 20 m

WRTC 2014
12-13 июля в США состоится седьмой командный Чемпионат мира - WRTC.
Россию представляют шесть команд, в том числе действующие чемпионы - RW1A/RA1A.
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Equipment plans
28 MHz: 4 by 7 el 28 mhz (14 mtrs boom) yagi , rotor to JA/USA, mast 50 mtrs up , 15 % completed
3,5 MHz: 5L fullsize Yagi 40m up, boom 60m, fixed to USA
* 25% completed